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Studebaker Serial Number Decoder

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Studebaker Truck Serial Number Decoder

Bob's Studebaker Resource Website

A 63 or 64 truck with either a 259 or 289 has the same casting number head as the R2. With flat top pistons, the 67 cc (Casting 1557582) will give you about 9.0 compression and the 54 cc's ( Casting 1557570) about 10.25 or with dish 289 pistons about 7.5 and 8.5 respectively with the beaded steel head gaskets. Heavy duty engines are further identified by the stenciled clover leaf symbol on the engine number boss. Serial Number Plate Location: On seat riser, left side Engine Number Location: 6 cyl - At the top left side front corner of the cylinder block. 8 cyl - On top, front end of cylinder block next to oil filler tube. Altogether, 696 Studebaker Avanti's were produced with the 1964 item numbers and paint codes. A major problem with this method is that it does not provide a definite serial number starting point. From serial number R-4892 to R-4948 (August 9, 1963 to August 15,1963) cars were produced with both 1963 and 1964 item numbers and paint codes.

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The Elusive 1964 Studebaker Avanti - Fred Fox

The Elusive Year
by Fred K. Fox
On Tuesday, July 2,l963, the slow moving Studebaker Avanti assembly line in South Bend,Indiana ground to a halt. It would be 34 days before the line wouldagain start to move. At the head oh the halted line was R-4835, aTurquoise R1 with round headlight bezels, a black interior andautomatic transmission. Almost completed, R-4835 sat collecting dustuntil Monday, August 5, 1963. Since the Avanti serial number plateswere attached to the frames before the end of the line, the cars in theline were not always in sequential serial number order. Thisdiscrepancy allowed R-4836 and R-4837 to slip off the line on July 2nd,while R-4835 remained unfinished.
Nominally, a halt in automobile production inmid summer indicated that a company was taking time off so it couldmake the necessary changes to put next year's model into production.For the Avanti, this was only partially true. To better understand theAvanti's situation, let's take a brief look at the car's history.
The Studebaker Avanti, which was introduced inApril 1962 as a 1963 model, was brought out mainly through the effortsof Studebaker-Packard president, Sherwood Egbert ---as a highperformance grand touring car thatStudebaker hoped would breath new life into the company's deterioratingautomobile division. Except for I 959, the automobile division had notmade a profit since 1952. There was strong initial demand for theAvanti, but production delays - mainly because of the rush to put thecar into production and Studebaker's inexperience with fiberglass -madeit impossible to promptly fill most of the early orders. Publicityabout these problems hurt the Avanti's reputation, and bythe time the production problems had been ironed out, most of the earlycustomer enthusiasm had faded away.
In an effort to attract newinterest to the Avanti, Studebaker instigated several promotionalschemes. Most famous were the various Bonneville speed runs. Anotherwas the adoption of running changes. At first these running changeswere mandatory, since several design alterations were needed toovercome the early production problems. Later, it was decided thatrunning changes were the best way to continually improve the Avanti.Egbert got so carried away with the running change concept that he andhis sales people decided to discontinue identifying the Avanti by modelyear. Printed material announced that 'The Avanti is not designated bymodel year, but incorporates changes whenever appropriate.' Thedecision to abandon model year designations was more than a salesgimmick. Early Avanti's had a serial number prefix of '63R,' but inMarch 1963 the company phased out the '63' and just kept the 'R' withno year identification. The only things left that gave an indication of the year were the various paint codes. These codescontinued to use '63' for the first two numbers (in August 1963,'64' paint codes were phased in). Of course, states continued toregister Avanti's according to model year. This was based on when thecar was sold, not when it was produced. For instance, Studebakerannounced that 'All new and unused Avanti models, when first sold atretail and licensed or titled after the October 1 (later changed toSeptember 1), 1963.
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This well known factory photo probably showsthe R-4130 prototype car. It was later converted to R3 power and fittedwith Halibrand 'ma g' wheels. Supercharged R2 and R3 models hadidentification badges on the sides of the front fenders, while othermodels did not.
date, will carry the registration yeardesignation of 1964.' In the extreme, this meant that the very firstAvanti built, if unsold, could have been registered as a 1964 model.For this reason, the registration year of an Avanti has little relationto when the car was built. The concept of basing the registration yearon when a vehicle was sold, instead of when it was built, was used veryeffectively by Studebaker for the 2R series truck models of1949-53.Dealers loved this method. It allowed them to update a slowmoving vehicle and sell it as a current year model, even if it had beensitting on the lot for over a year. Today, the dating ofwindow stickers and other legislation has helped protect the consumerfrom the updating practice.
Some of the first Avanti running changescame in the form of new options. Fairly early in the 1963 model yearAvanti Gray was brought in as a new color. In May 1963, an all blackinterior with wood grain accent panels, a wood grain Tenite steeringwheel and keystone 'S' door panel ornaments were introduced as trimoption 813 BKV. This option, which was announced in Sales Letter No.158 (dated 5/6/63), has caused considerable confusion since many peoplewho own early models with 813 BKV interiors think their Avant i's are1964models. This confusion exists since most true 1964 Avanti's have solidcolor interiors. In contrast, all 1963 Avanti's, except for the oneswith the 813 BKV option, have two-tone interiors that feature the maincolor (Elk, Black, Red, Orange or Turquoise) with a Fawn accent color.For the record, the first production cars with the 813 BKV option wereR-4236 and R-4237. Their final assembly date was May 1, 1963.Explanations will be given later, but it should be noted now that anyAvanti between R-4236 and R-4834 that has the 813 BKV all blackinterior is a 1963 model.
Other running changes made during the 1963model year included the adoption of a radiator air intake grille androof drip moldings. These two improvements were also offered in kitform for dealer installation on earlier models.
In April 1963, theengineering department instructed the production department to assemblean Avanti with no interior trim, no headlights and no parking lights.This odd car, serial number R-4130, came off the assembly line on April18, 1963. It was shipped to engineering where the engineering andstyling departments used it as a guinea pig for a whole series ofproposed running changes. It was fitted with a pre-production 813 BKVinterior, thick front seat backs, round console knobs, new groovedrubber sill plates, louvered interior air vent openings, tilt steeringwheel, grille, drip moldings, square headlight enclosures (usuallycalled 'square headlights'), revised parking lights with single clearlenses and amber bulbs, revised battery location that allowed the useof a standard sized battery, plus many other minor items. This car,which still survives, was used for 1964 publicity shots, converted toR3 power by the Granatellis and used by Egbert. Robert Doehler handledmost of the styling changes made on R-4130.
The 813 BKV interioroption, drip moldings and grille were, as indicated, quickly put intoproduction, but the other items were shelved until the July shutdown.
The Avanti assembly line stoppage between July2, 1963 and August 5,1963 allowed dealers time to sell some of the stockpile of excessAvanti's. It also gave the production department a chance to phase inmore of the changes that had been tried Out on R-4130. When mostautomobile companies make significant styling changes, they instigatethe changes on a certain car and then continue them on every carmade after that.Not so with the Avanti. Since Studebaker was using the 'running change'method of development, the production department, even with the lineshut down for over a month, felt no need to instigate all the newchanges on any particular car. Sitting at the head of the halted linewas our friend R-4 835. Since this Avanti was almost completed, it wasnot a candidate for revisions. Further down the line was R-4878. Thiscar still lacked its console controls, so it became the first car to befitted with round control knobs (R-4875 also received the new knobs,but it was evidently further down the line). Next was R-4879. This carlacked its interior hardware and exterior emblems, so it received thenew interior door handles, new door lock levers, new sill plates, newquarter window latches, new hinged trunk hatch lid, new silver 'S' hoodornament and new 'Supercharged Avanti' fender emblems.
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Studebaker Designer Bob Doehler called this interior keystone doorpanel emblem 'Pirate's Buckle.' First introduced on the 813 BKVoption, it was later made standard on all models.
Feature Article News
Thefollowing is a list of the upcoming bimonthly feature articles. Photosubmissions should avoid showing non-authentic items.
8X10 color 5X7 b&w
Subject TWdate deadline deadline
1927COMMANDERS FEBRUARY 1988 10-20-87 11-30-87
1959 SILVERHAWKS APRIL1988 12-20-87 1-30-88
1918STUDEBAKERS JUNE1988 2-20-88 3-30-88
1965STUDEBAXERS AUGUST1988 4-20-88 5-30-88
SCOTSMAN PICKUPS DECEMBER 19888 8-20-88 9-30-88
Wewelcome clear and sharp photos of authentic cars or trucks that youcurrently own or once owned that match any of the upcoming featurearticles. The company making our color separations will now acceptcolor transparencies for our covers, but 8'Xl0' (or 8'X12') colorprints are still preferred since they give us a better idea
of what the finalproduct will look like. Technical articles or short interesting stones(typed pages are appreciated!) are also welcome. Please read overcarefully the Feature Article News' in the April 1985 Turning Wheels(pages 3 and 13-14) before making a photo submission. If you do nothave the April issue, write Fred K. Fox for instructions. Send allcontributions to Fred K. Fox 13150 El Capitan Way, Delhi, CA 95315.
Running Changes
As mentioned in themain article, numerous changes were made during the transition from1963 to 1964 Avanti's. Many of the serial numbers at which thesechangeswere made are given in the December 1963 Avanti Parts Catalog. Possiblynot all the numbers are exactly correct. If any reader owns or knows ofany Avanti that disproves any of the following numbers, I wouldappreciate hearing from him or her. It should be rioted that when theParts Catalog says 'after serial number _______,' the change startedwith the number listed, not one after It. We know that many items, suchas square headlights'(see box), wore onlyintermittently produced. during the first I ow days after they wereintroduced. because of this, cars with higher serial numbers than theones listed may have been fitted with the older items. Late 1963 andearly 1964 models with the 813 BKV option had many of the wood grainitems. The serial numbers of many of those 813 BKV cars were less thanthe starling 'wood grain' serial numbers listed here. This is becausethe numbers listed are for standard equipment items, not optionalitems. This list, since it concerns 1964 models, does not include therunning changes made during the early part of the 1963 model year.
Change Starting with Serial Number
Red & black carpetswitched to all black R-4275
Turquoise & blackcarpet switched to all black R-4314
Orange & blackcarpet switched to all black R-4399
Drip moldings adopted(1) R-4420
Fawn & blackcarpet switched to all black R-4709
Wood grainedinstrument panel adopted R-4730
Wood grained automatictransmission shift plate adopted R-4730
Wood grainednon-automatic transmission shift plate adopted R-4849
New console packagecompartment lid adopted R-4849
Wood grained airconditioning backing plate adopted R-4877
Round console knobsadopted (2) R-4878
New straight insidedoor handles adopted R-4879
More rounded insidedoor lock handles adopted R-4879
Rear quarter windowlatch backing plate adopted R-4879
Door sill plate designchanged from round circles to straight lines R-4879
R2 fenderemblem changed from 'Supercharged' to
'SuperchargedAvanti' R-4879
Hood emblem '5'changed from gold to silver R-4879
Hinged trunk hatch lidadopted R-4879
Square headlightenclosures adopted R-4892
New parking lightlenses with clear lens and amber bulb adopted R-4892
Hood support movedfrom left to right R-4892
Hood insulationincreased in size R-4892
Long battery replacedby standard size battery R-4892
Vent intake added toraised part of cowl R-4892
Kick panel vent intakecovers changed from mesh to
chromeplastic louvers wire R-4892
Extra rear windowmolding hold-down clips adopted R-4892
Manifold pressure gageface colors reduced R-5183
Thick cushions on thebacks of the front seats adopted R-5361
(1) Drip molding andgrille kits were made available for dealer installation onearliermodels, so their existence on early cars is not something out of theordinary.
(2) We know thatR-4875 also has round knobs.
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The otherproposed changes, such as the square head light enclosures, and the newbattery space, would have to be adopted on fiberglass bodies that werenot yet completed. The first body to receive these changes ended upmounted on the chassis with serial number R4892. (There is a slimpossibility that R-4876 was also produced with some of the bodychanges.) R-4892 got the new square headlights, revised parking lights,altered battery space, right hood support, larger hood insulator, extracowl vent, louvered interior vents and improved for the second timerear window hold down clips.
Since Studebaker never made an effort tokeep its bodies in sequential order when they were mounted on thechassis, an interesting thing happened when production resumed inAugust 1963. First, R-4835 rolled off the line on the 5th. On the 8th,R-4878 and R-4879 with their trim changes came off the line. The nextday R-4892, the first square headlight car, was completed. But becauseof the mixed up bodies, it was not followed by a square headlight car.Between August 9th and August 20th, square and round headlight carswere mixed as they came off the line. After August 20th, no more roundheadlight Avanti's were produced. (Sec the 'Square HeadlightEnclosures'box ) more details.) Sales Letter #170 (dated 8/21/63) indicated that'Round Headlights' could be ordered as a no charge option. Afterconsiderable research, it is this writer's opinion that any roundheadlight orders and there could only have been a few made after August20, 1963 were filled from the large supply of stockpiled roundheadlight Avanti's already assembled. Production orders indicate thatsome round headlight models produced in the summer of 1963 had optionsadded or deleted after they came off the line. These changes were madeto make the cars fit dealer orders. With the adoption of the squareheadlights, Studebaker had a hard time selling the remaining roundheadlight models they had in stock. This is undoubtedly why theyoffered the round headlight 'Option.' Many of the last round headlightmodels produced were not shipped from South Bend until late 1963 orearly 1964. For instance, R4878, the first car with round consoleknobs, was not shipped (mm South Bend until January 22, 1964, almostone month after the last Studebaker Avanti was produced. Most of theselate round headlight cars were eventually sold at. highly discountedprices.
The only significant change on R-4130 that was still left for adoptionwas the thick front seat backs. These, in somewhat different form thanon R4130, were put into production on R-5361, a car that was completedon September 30, 1963. R-5361 was also the first car painted AvantiMaroon. Before being sold, it was used as a display car in theAdministration Building's lobby. The last Studebaker Avanti, a whiteR3, was completed on December 26, 1963. This car, which survives inexcellent original condition, was serial number R-5643.
Now to the problem. Although Studebakerdecided in March 1963 to discontinue model year identification of theAvanti, some type of year identification had to be established.Certainly the haphazard state registration method based on sale datewas and is unacceptable. Studebaker dealers, used car dealers,Studebaker record keepers and most of all, Studebaker enthusiastswanted some way, based on serial numbers, to differentiate a 1963Avanti from a 1964 Avanti. American automobile tradition, especially inthe 1950s and 1960s, demanded that every car have a given model yearidentification. For the Studebaker Avanti, there are three possiblepositions that can be taken.
Position 1 This position is based on thecontention that the production halt between July 2, 1963 and August 5,1963 was the breaking point between 1963 and 1964 models. Since most ofthe 'running changes' were adopted after this break and the break wasduring the traditional model change over period, this choice has astrong following. It was the one chosen by SASCO (Studebaker AutomobileSales Corporation) in 1968 when they prepared their detailed productionfigure tables. They listed 1964 Avanti production as 809. Bysubtracting 809 cars from the serial number of the last Avanti built,we come up with our old friend R-4835 being the first 1964 Avantibuilt. As explained, R-4835 was the first car finished on August 5,1963, the day production was resumed after the summer break. A slightflaw in this method shows up when it is noted that the SASCO peopleforgot to delete the two serial numbers after R-4835 (R-4836 andR-4837). These are the two out of sequence cars that slipped off theline on July 2, 1963. This means that actual production after thesummer break was 807 cars. The 807 figure is more accurate, but the 809figure is acceptable since it starts at a definite serial number(R-4835) and continues without interruption. The 809 number has beenprinted in many publications and is the figure used in the productiontable and other boxes in this article. Cars R-4836 and R-4837 (the onesfinished on July 2, 1963) were not shipped from South Bend untilJanuary 1964, so there is nothing wrong in including them in the 1964figure.
page 5
The interior of a 'thin seat' 1964 Avanti. thick seat backs were thelast major Studebaker Avanti addition.
Thick seat backs were the last major Studebaker Avanti addition.
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Upper Left: This is the interior view of aninteresting 1964 Avanti owned by member David Ridge of Hawesville,Kentucky .It is R-4875. Although it has the 1963 style two tone Deluxeinterior, it has wood grain panels and round knobs on the consolecontrols. It was the next to last Avanti built with the non-pleatedDeluxe interior. The round console knobs on this car prove that thisfeature existed at least three cars before the Parts Catalog said theywere introduced! The inside door handles and door lock levers are the1963 style. David has owned this car since new.
Upper Right: An engine shot of David Ridge'sR2 Avanti (R-4875). This early 1964 model has round headlights, thus ithas the left hood support and long battery. The radiator cap, as Davidnoted, is different from the original 'eared' style.
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Cover Cars
Our front cover brings back memories of 1964. Sliding into the spacebetween the 9162 Lark Daytona convertible and the 1952 Buick sedan isthe Kaiser family's prize winning 'thick seat' 1964 Tourquoise R2Avanti (r-5392). Also parked at Rich's Drive-in in Brentwood,Californiais a 1964 Corvette and a number of Circa 1964 trucks. In the passengerseat of the Avanti is long time SDC member Steve Kaiser of Oakley,California. The Roller skating carhop near the Buick is Steve's wifeSara. The Daytona also belongs to the Kaiser family. Special thanks toSteve Kaisetr for making the arrangements for this nostalgic photo.
The back cover car is a Gold 1964 R1 Avanti (R-5311) that is part ofthe Fox family collection in Delhi, California.
Right: Avanti view of the Kaiser family's 1964 Avanti (R-5392).
Square Headlight Enclosures
The production orders in South Bend donot indicate which cars were fitted with ‘square head lights' and thelater style parking light lenses. —Actually, all Studebaker Avanti'shadround head-lights, but the later ones with square headlightenclosures areusually called 'square headlight' models. Square headlight models alsonormally came with a right side hood support, normal size battery and afull size hood insulator. The 1963-64 Avanti Parts Catalog indicatesthat square headlight models started with serial number R-4892. If onecounts from [1-4892 to the last Avanti built, one arrives at 752Avanti's built with square headlights. The problem is that althoughR-4892 does have square headlights, many Avanti's built after it haveround headlights. By contacting several Avanti owners between R-4892and R-501 0, we have been able to come very close to determining whichcars were fitted with square headlights. Body numbers are no help, buttwo other items do help. From R-4892 to R-4948, all cars that werefitted with square head lights used the 1964 production order itemnumbers and 1964 paint codes, while the round head light models in thatrange used 1963 numbers and codes. After U4948, 1964 numbers arid codeswere used for all Avanti's. Since we know that some round head lightmodels wore built alter [1—4948, another method of differentiation wasneeded. The answer was found in the line number' printed on theproduction orders. The first group of 15 square headlight models(intermittently - between serial numbers 4892 and 4973) were all builtfor car shows and other special purposes. Except for the Sears Allstatecross-country car (R-4938, line #218), all these square headlightmodels had line numbers from 3992 to 4005. Round headlight models builtduring the same period had smaller line numbers. From contactingvarious Avanti owners, we feel the switch from round to squareheadlights on regular production models was made between line number3982 (serial number 4996—a round headlight model) and line number 3990(serial number 5004 — originally a square headlight model). Hoping thatthe person in charge liked working by tens, we will guess that thechange was made at line number 3990 (serial number 5004). The followinglist is based on this estimation. If the estimation is correct, then wecan say that there where 655 1964 Studebaker Avanti's built with squareheadlights (this figure does not include the prototype). If anyone hasinformation that conflicts with the list, please contact Fred K. Fox(13150 El Capitan Way, Delhi, CA 95315).
Serial Number Listing of Square Headlight Studebaker Avanti's
SerialNumber Notes LineNumber Final AssemblyDate
R-4130 Prototype 3233 4/18/63
R-4892 Photo Publicity Car(1) 3994 8/9/63
R-4907 Paris Show Car 3992 8/12/63
R-4923 Oregon Show Car 3995 8/13/63
R-4938 Sears Allstate cross-country car 218 8/13/63
R-4940 San Francisco Show Car 3996 8/14/63
R-4942 Los Angeles Show Car 3997 8/14/63
R-4946 Texas Show Car 3998 8/14/63
R-4948 Kansas City Show Car 3999 8/15/63
R-4950 Atlanta Show Car 4000 8/15/63
R-4957 Press Review Car 3993 8/15/63
R-4962 Devon, PA Show Car 4001 8/16/63
R-4965 Allison Park, PA Show Car 4002 8/16/63
R-4968 New Jersey Show Car 4003 8/16/63
R-4970 Chicago Show Car 4004 8/16/63
R-4973 'To Engineering' (2) 4005 8/16/63
R-5004 Regular Production (3) 3990(4) 8/20/63
R-5005-R5643 All Square Headlights --
(1) R-4892, according to the Parts Catalog, was the firstproduction Avanti to have square headlights. This car which was one ofthe special publicity cars belongs to Minot Percy of Marblehead,Massachusetts. We have confirmed that it does have square headlights.
(2) R-4973 was the last special square headlight model built. Itis now owned by member Dennis Day of Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
(3) If our estimate is correct, this is the first regular(produced for sale directly to a retail customer) production squareheadlight model built. It was purchased new by member Bea Hartigan ofHuntington, New York. Shortly after purchase, the car was damaged inthe front. When Bea had it repaired, she chose to have it rebuilt withround headlight panels and trim. Since she is the original owner, wewere fortunately able to get correct information about the headlighthistory of this car.
(4) Starting with serial number R-5006, a whole new range of muchsmaller (starting with number 173) line numbers were used. The Allstatecar, although built earlier, was assigned one of these smaller linenumbers.
Note: Sales Letter No. 170 (dated August 21,1963) indicates that round headlights could still be ordered, but it isestimated that after August 20,1963, any orders for round headlightswere filled from the large stockpile of round headlight cars alreadyproduced.
Position 2 This position is the 'silent' onetaken by the production department in August 1963. Although Egbert hadthem do away with the '63' from the serial numbers, the productiondepartment continued to use 1963 Studebaker production order itemnumbers and, as mentioned, 1963 Avanti paint code numbers. Whenproduction resumed on August 5, 1963, they initially let the roundheadlight models go by with the 1963 production order item numbers andpaint codes, but— up to serial number R-4948 — they assigned all squareheadlight models that came down the line the new 1964 Studebakerproduction order item numbers (for instance, Twin Traction was '50' in1963 and '77' in 1964) and 1964 Avanti paint codes. After R-4948, bothsquare and round headlight models were assigned the 1964 item numbersand paint codes. Altogether, 696 Studebaker Avanti's were produced withthe 1964 item numbers and paint codes. A major problem with this methodis that it does not provide a definite serial number starting point.From serial number R-4892 to R-4948 (August 9, 1963 to August 15,1963)cars were produced with both 1963 and 1964 item numbers and paint codes.
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A 'square' headlight.
Position 3 This position is the simplest, butthe least accepted. It assumes that the only 1964 Avanti's are thosethat came from the factory with square headlights. Thesewere the same models that could use a standard size battery, had aright side hood support, and used the one-piece clear parking lightlenses. A total of about 655 Studebaker Avanti's were built with squareheadlights (see the 'Square Headlight Enclosures' box for moredetails). A weak point with this position is that quite a number ofround headlight models have been converted to square headlights. Thishappened mainly because round headlight repair panels and trim becameunavailable shortly after Studebaker Avanti production ended. It shouldbe noted that only the square headlight Avanti's were assigned theS.A.E. '64' identification on their headlight and parking lightassemblies.
Well, how many 1964 Avanti's were built? Werethere 809,807,696 or 655? At this time, the 809 figure has the greatestfollowing. If any number less than 809 is accepted, people who owntransition cars would have to start calling them 1963 models. Thiswould meet with strong resistance since it has been an assumption oflong standing that these cars were 1964 models. Even now, it isdifficult to convince some owners of true 1963 Avanti's whichwereoriginally sold in the 1964 model year and registered as ‘64s thattheir Avanti's are really 1963 models.
Other dividing points between1963 and 1964 Avanti production have been suggested, but evidence islacking to support their adoption.
Of course, Sherwood Egbert, if hewas here to tell his story, would explain that all this discussion ispurely academic, for there were neither 1963 models nor 1964 models.There were only Studebaker Avanti's and they were designed to beageless. *
Much of the serial number informationpresented in this article was unearthed by George Krem, Jr., ourcurrent national president. George has spent many years analyzingStudebaker production orders. He has been an Avanti fan since the daythecar was introduced, and over the years he and his father have ownedseveral different Avanti's. They currently own two of the nine R3Avanti's.
The Parking Light
Lens Mystery
Starting with the 1963 model year, the U. S.government required that all American built cars sold in the UnitedStates be fitted with amber parking lights/front direction signallights (NOTE: Different POV). Studebaker, in 1963, met this regulation by using amber lenseswith clear bulbs. For the 1964 model year, they switched and beganusing clear lenses and amber bulbs. On Avanti's, this started with thesquare headlight models.
In April 1964, over three months after thelast Studebaker Avanti was produced, the company announced they wereswitching back to amber lenses and clear bulbs. According to StudebakerService Letter J-1964-7, dated April 9,1964, the Canadian plant wasmaking the switch back on Lark- type vehicles because some states (NewYork, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, California and the Districtof Columbia) were occasionally expressing dissatisfaction with theclear lenses.
Besides switching to amber lenses for 1964Lark- types,Studebaker, In April 1964, also offered amber lenses for domestic 1964square headlight Avanti's. These lenses, part #1360697, were listed inthe December 1963 Avanti Parts Catalog, but except for possibleinstallation on a few export models, there is no evidence that any 1964square headlight Avanti's sold in the U.S. came from the factory withamber lenses. —This fact has been examined closely by George Krem andmyself. We have found no proof that any square headlight StudebakerAvanti sold in the U. S., including the last two built, came from thefactory with amber parking light lenses.
Quite a number of 1964 squareheadlight Avanti's now have amber lenses. This is generally becausebroken clear lenses were replaced with amber lenses supplied byStudebaker or Avanti Motors (the Avanti II used amber lenses). There isa very slim chance that a few dealers who still had Avanti's in theirshow- rooms in April 1964 switched them to amber lenses. If thishappened, it is possible that somebody could have purchased a newsquare headlight style 1964 Avanti with amber parking light lenses. Isany reader aware of this happening?
Thanks to members Dave Thibeault and DickQuinn for providing information about Service Letter J-1964-7.
1964 Studebaker Avanti Model RQ Specifications
Model Symbol R
Body Symbol Q
Engines R1 R2 R3 R4
Bore (inches) 3.56 3.56 3.65 3.65
Stroke(inches) 3.62 3.62 3.62 3.62
Displacement ( 289 289 304.5 304.5
Horsepower 240 @ 5000rpm 289 @ 4800 rpm 335* @ 5350rpm 280 @ 5000 rpm
Compression ratio 10.25:1 9:1 9.75:1 12.1
Carburetors (Carter AFB)1 1 1 2
Paxton Supercharger no yes yes no
* With optional dual valve springs and a high-output pulley set, R3power increased to 400 gross brake horsepower at 6000 rpm.
Wheelbase 109inches Engine Colors
Shipping Weight (R1) 3140lbs. R1 & R2: Black block, heads, pan, pulleys,
FuelTank 21gallons starter, power brake and steering units with
TireSize 6.70X15 chrome valve covers, breather caps (with STP
decals) and oil dip stick handle. The fan was
Starting serial number: R-4835 orange and the automatic transmission dip
Ending serial number: R-5643 stick handle was yellow. Stainless steel was
used to ignition shielding, the air cleaner
Studebaker Avanti serial number platesare housing and R2 carbair inlet. Most, if not all,
mounted on tile right frame side rail in front of superchargers were orange from the factory
#1 body hold downbracket. and black when rebuilt by Paxton. Many 1964
Avanti's came from the factory with a black
All Studebaker Avanti's were assembledin case'Studebaker' battery with red caps. A
South Bend,Indiana. 'warning' label was by the battery, an air
cleaner decal was on the air cleaner canister
Engine NumberPrefixes and most ‘64 Avanti's had a silver and black
R1 R 'Studebaker craftsmen' decal on the right valve
R2 RS cover.
R3 R3S
R4 R4 R3 & R4: These engines had a red block,
heads and pan, and a chrome valve lifter cover
Avanti engine numbers were stamped on a boss (valley plate). TheR3 carburetor pressure box
at the top side, front end of the cylinderblock, was natural metal color. All other partswere
next to the left front corner of the valvelifter the same colors as on R1& R2 engines.
cover (valley plate).
1964 Avanti Colors
Avanti Black (1) P-6430
AvantiWhite P-6431
Avanti Turquoise P-6432
Avanti Gold P-6433
Avanti Red (2) P-6434
Avanti Gray P-6435
Avanti Maroon (3) P-6436
(1) Avanti Blackin 1964 was a 'Special Order' color that cost an extra $35.50. Only 321964 Avanti's were painted Avanti Black.
(2) Avanti Red,according to sales letter No. 174, was to be discontinued on October 1,1963, but a few Avanti's that were assembled after that date werepainted Avanti Red.
(3) AvantiMaroon was not introduced until September 30,1963.
Note: Early 1964 models with 1963 productionorder item numbers used 1963 paint codes that included a '63' insteadof a '64.'
Available with these
Color Exterior Colors
Black vinyl,813 All
Turquoise vinyl,823 Black, White, Turquoise
Claret vinyl,833 Black, White, Gold, Gray,
& Maroon
Smoked Elk vinyl,843 Black, White,Gold, Red
Metallic Red vinyl,853 Black, White, Red,Gray
Metallic Red vinyl wassupposed to be discontinued on October 1,1963, but a few Avanti'sassembled after that date were filled with Metallic Red vinyl.
Claret vinyl wasintroduced in late August 1963.
Most 1964 Avanti's hadpleated Regal vinyl, mono-color interiors, black carpets, and woodgrained consoles and instrument panels. As in 1963, the headliner waswhite, although the headliner material was different from that used onearly Avanti's. The roll bar cover, on most 64 models, matched thecolorof the seat upholstery. Some early 1964 models that did not have the813 BKV option were fitted with 7 Deluxe and 9 __ Regal 1963 interiors.
Page 9
1964 Avanti Options and Accessories
1964 Avanti Prices & Production
Model Engine BasePrice Production
R1 Unsupercharged 289 $4445 519
R2 Supercharged 289 4655 281
R3 Supercharged304.5 5476 9
R4 Unsupercharged304.5 5336 0
TotalProduction 809 *
* See the conclusion of the main article for a thorough discussion of the1964
production. The 809 figure is the most accepted figure, although only807 cars
wereproduced after the summer shut down. Studebaker's production department
onlyassigned 1964 production order item numbers and paint codes to 696Avanti's.
Productionfigure breakdowns courtesy of George Krem.
R3 & R4 Models
One of the great mystiques that surround theStudebaker Avanti story is the super high performance R3 and R4 modelsdeveloped by the Granatelli brothers. The supercharged R3 model wassupposed to be released very early in Avanti production, but none wereactually produced until the 1964 model year. Although many after marketR3 Avanti's exist, only nine were assembled by the factory. There wereno dual carb R4 Avanti's produced by the factory. The factory alsoproduced one 1964 R3 Commander and one 1964 R4 Daytona. R3 Avanti'swerecapable, with the right final drive ratio, of exceeding 170 mph. Tothis day, they are still the fastest true production cars ever marketedby an American automobile manufacturer. Those who would like a detailedreport on R3 Avanti's should hunt up the December 1986 issue of SpecialInterest Autos.
For identification, it should be rememberedthat R3Avanti engines had their carburetor enclosed in a pressure box, whileR2 engines had an exposed sealed carburetor that had its air ductedinto the top. Both R2 and R3 models were super - charged, while R1 andR4 models were UN-supper - charged.
Here is a list of the nineproduction R3 Avanti's. Serial
Number Color Transmission
R-5089 Turquoise 4-speed
R-5237 Black 4-speed
R-5394 White 4-speed
R-5532 Turquoise 4-speed
R-5546 Gold 4-speed
R-5593 Gray Automatic
R-5625 Black Automatic
R-5642 White Automatic
R-5643 White Automatic
Page 10
The engine compartmentof R-5546. This car is owned by George Krem Jr., president of SDC.George and his father also own R-5642. Only nine production Avanti'swere produced with R3 engines.
1964Avanti Literature
Sales Literature
1. Fullline Studebaker color catalog PD 64-10, 81/4' (161/2') X 11 1/2',20pages(Canadian version was also PD 64-10, but it had thinner paper.)
2. Fullline Studebaker color catalog PD.-64-11, 6 1/2' X 4', 12 pages
3. Fullline Studebaker color and black and white catalog PD 64-55, 6 1/2' X4', 16pages(This is like PD.-64-11, but with an extra cover sheet that featuresthe Avanti andSearsAllstate tires.)
1. AvantiColor and Upholstery Selector plus Features and Facts. This gold 1963binderwas updated with 1964 inserts.
2. AvantiOwner's Guide. No year is given. The 1964 version is white with blueandred print on the cover. *
3. AvantiAccessories. No year is given. The 1964 version is white with blue andredprinton the cover. *
4. Radioinstruction folder.
5. AvantiChassis and Body Parts Catalog. Dated December 1963.
6. AvantiWorkshop Manual. The 1963 manual was used for 1964.
7. VariousSales and Service Letters.
8. 1964Avanti Order Guide, PD-64-02.
9. AvantiFactory Advertised Delivered Prices, PD 64-67
10. The big 1964Different., by Design show - room book only has one page (6/1) ontheAvanti.
* Unlike the 1963Owner's Guide and Accessories brochures, these items had no yearprinted on them. They were the product of Egbert's 'no model year'promotion. As mentioned in the main article, the factory ended up inAugust 1963 with a large stockpile of unsold 1963 Avanti's. Rather thansupply them with the dated 1963 Owner's Guide and Accessoriesbrochures, they shipped them with the undated 1964 items listed here.Because of this, the 1964 Owner's Guide and Accessories brochuresincluded photos of both 1963 and 1964 models. Interestingly, 1964Avanti Owner's Guides were also provided—with some addendum information— to owners of early Avanti Is. Egbert had no idea that his 'no modelyear' approach would help save Nate Altman a few printing bucks.
Further Reading
Studebaker — TheComplete Story, pages 3 17-325.
Studebaker: The Postwar Year, pages 132-143.
The StudebakerCentury, pages 164-167, 176 -179 and 181.
Avanti (Avantiliterature reprints), pages 10-13 and 68-81.
Industrial Design(Raymond Loewy's book), pages 86 and 180-1 96.
Special InterestAutos, Jan-Feb 1976 (#32), pages • 12-21 and 60 - 61.
Special InterestAutos, December 1986 (#96), pages 30-37. (R3 report anddriving impression)
Avanti Newsletter(AOAI publication), Summer 1983 (#52), pages 7-9 (report on the1964 prototype, R 4130).
Avanti Newsletter#1 3(Good photos of many of the running changes)
Turning Wheels,February 1981 (Vol. 13, No. 2), pages 6-13 (1964Studebaker introductions)
Motor Trend, October1963, pages 30+31 (1964 Studebaker introduction—samearticlereprinted in February 1987 TW
Motor Trend, November:1963, pages 94-97 (1964 Studebaker introduction—samearticle reprinted in February 1981 TW)
Hot Rod, November1963,page .104 (report on the Sears Allstate cross-country Avanti)
Dozens of otherarticles have been written about the Studebaker Avanti, but mostonly cover the 1963 models. The ones that are specifically on ‘64snormallyonly cover theR3models.
The purpose ofthis section is to review any new material that has been discoveredwhich affects the information presented in earlier Feature Articles.Contributions to this section should be sent to Fred K. Fox, 13150 ElCapitan Way, Delhi, CA 95315.

The following is a list of web sites that can help you in deciphering the Vehicle Identification Numbers (VIN) of a variety of car makes and models.

Lada Car
Land Rover
Lincoln/Mercury 1960-69
Mazda Miata
Mercury Comet 1968-1971
Mercury Comet 1969 -1971
Mercury Merkur XR4 1985-1989 Door Tag Decoder
MG Midget
Mitsubishi & Dodge
Monte Carlo
Monte Carlo '85 To '88
Monte Carlo 1985-1988
Mopar 1966-1974
Mopar 1966-1974
Mopar 1967 GTX
Mopar '66-'75
Mopar 1979-1996
Mustang 1965-1970
Oldmobile 1975
Oldsmobile 1965-1971
Oldsmobile 1981-1988
Oldsmobile 1946-2001
Online VIN Decoder
Plymouth Fury
Pontiac 1960 – 1969
Pontiac Fiero
Pontiac Fiero
Pontiac Firebird 1967-1975
Pontiac Firebird 1982-1992
Pontiac Grand Am 1973
Pontiacs 1965-2001
Porsche 911
Rambler 1966
Rambler's Ambassador, Classic, And Marlin 1966

Studebaker Vin Number Decoder

Studebaker Serial Number Decoder

Studebaker Serial Number Decoder

Studebaker Serial Number Decoder

Studebaker Serial Number Decoder

Saab 1950 On
Studebaker 1900-1942
Studebaker 1946-1966
Triumph Spitfire
Vin Decoder – Multiple makes and models
Vin Decoder – Multiple makes and models
Vw, Audi, GM Cars And Trucks
VW Karmann Ghia
VW Karmann Ghia (US) 1956-1973
World Manufacturer Identifier

Studebaker Truck Serial Number Decoder

Do you have more links for VIN numbers, please email us.

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